The Sixth World is full of great cities to stage a campaign, and Final Bets brings players to Paris for a fast-moving, espionage-heavy campaign!
They’ll discover and trade secrets, help shift alliances, and otherwise try to keep up with the powers that move the city. This book provides a campaign structure for any Shadowrun group.
- Offers plot hooks, mini adventures, NPCs, and game information to help players and gamemasters build adventures and campaigns.
- Builds on plot elements from previous books such as Scotophobia, Falling Point, and Needle’s Eye.
- Offers more details on Sixth World Paris, which offers a fun change-of-pace in a fully realized setting.
C’est La Guerre
“Paris is not a city; it’s a world.”
The vastness of Paris beckons. A world of plots, schemes, money, power, and beauty. A world shadowrunners could get lost in — permanently, if they’re not careful.
With alliances shifting and plots forming in the most elite parts of the city, Paris is a hotbed of shadow action. Final Bets gives players a chance to show that they can handle it — and maybe shape the fate of the world.
Final Bets is a campaign book for use with Shadowrun, Sixth World.