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Expressions of Interest for 15Mar25 Games Workshop TOW High Elves open. (Closes 5pm 12Mar25)

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Sale price $29.69 Regular price $32.99

We have 2 available to order.
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The Tornado Gundam from the "SD Gundam G Generation" series joins the "SD Gundam Cross Silhouette" lineup! The gatling gun on its arm can be displayed in normal or deployed state by attaching and detaching parts; the beam saber can also be connected. It comes with both a CS frame and an SD frame, so it can be built with the proportions you prefer! Each part of the binder on its back is movable, and it comes with interchangeable hands and a variety of weapons, such as a beam rifle.

  • Size:  30 x 19 x 6 cm
  • Weight: 270g


  • Interchangeable hands (x1 set)
  • Gatling gun
  • Beam rifle
  • Beam saber (x2)
  • Stickers
