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Bandai 30MF Class Up Armor (Liber Warrior)


Sale price $13.50 Regular price $15.00

We have 2 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Bandai's "Class Up Armor (Liber Bishop)" set is crafted for their "30MF (30 Minutes Fantasy)" series of plastic models. This set includes armor and weapons that enable you to elevate your figure to a higher-tier job by swapping out the armor. By pairing this set with the Liber Priest armor (sold separately), you can "class up" to the Liber Bishop. The elemental core in this set is attributed to "water," and it features a distinct face design and color scheme compared to the Rozen Bishop set (sold separately).


  • Armor parts (x1 set)
  • Weapon parts (x1 set)

