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Star Wars RPG Force and Destiny Ataru Striker


Sale price $12.79 Regular price $15.99

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Defeat your opponents decisively and quickly with the Ataru Striker Specialization Deck for the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ roleplaying game. Available through our in-house manufacturing division, The Factory, each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty talent cards for a single specialization. Thematic art on every card helps immerse you more fully in the Star Wars universe. With these cards, players and GMs can easily reference the relevant talents and stay focused on the ongoing adventure.

Ataru Strikers are trained to do battle in hostile, uncivilized environments where combat is best resolved as quickly as possible. They take risks and practice rapid, gymnastic lightsaber moves, using their natural athleticism to fight with every fiber of their being.

The Ataru Striker Specialization Deck contains:
• 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck)
• 20 standard sized talent cards

This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ CoreRulebook is required to play.
