CLICK & COLLECT is KING!! We do keep a well stocked "Essentials" Section instore, though most products are in onsite storage. To avoid instore delays and help us keep our costs down, please ALWAYS place a "click and collect" order and wait for "ready for collection" email. (usually anywhere from 1-2 hours - See below for more information)

Metallic LIGHT BRONZE 30ml


Sale price $11.35 Regular price $11.95

We have 3 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

The Metallics range of lacquer model paints are specifically formulated for air brushing straight out of the bottle. With a denser pigment compared to a lot of other model paints, expert results can be gained with minimal effort - just Pour & Spray!

(NOTE: For best results with the Metallics range, please use PL30 JET BLACK as the base coat before applying the metallics)
