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Magic Final Fantasy - Collector Booster Display - Pre-Order

Regular price $1,039.95

We have 2 available to order.
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Global Release Date: 13Jun25

The entire FINAL FANTASY saga is here! Your players will step into the worlds of the beloved FINAL FANTASY RPG series' sixteen mainline games. They'll cast powerful spells, call upon classic summons, and even visit their favorite locations on the back of a Chocobo. Countless elements from the games are here for players to weave together their own stories.

Collector Boosters capture the full glory of the expansive FINAL FANTASY universe, from iconic characters to sweeping settings. Plus, each booster is packed with breathtaking card treatments that add special flair to any collection. A full display of Collector Boosters allows players to strategize in style.

  • 12 Magic: The Gathering—FINAL FANTASY Collector Boosters; each Collector Booster contains:
    • 8-12 cards are Traditional Foil; 0-3 of these cards may be Surge Foil
    • 5-6 cards rarity Rare or higher
    • 3-6 Uncommon cards
    • 3-5 Common cards
    • 1 Land card
  • Collector Booster exclusive print treatment found in <1% of all language Collector Boosters
  • Serialized cards exclusively found within <0.1% of English language Collector Boosters
