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Warcrow - Black Legion Supports - Pre-Order


Sale price $44.00 Regular price $55.00

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ETA: 31Mar25

Ansera Noighman, Engineer:

Support specialising in improving the performance of your allies, either alone or as part of a unit.

What does she bring to your army?

Immunity to unarmed and vulnerable states.

Customised upgrades depending on the unit he joins.

Can join the Warframe, improving its movement and attack. In addition, she can heal wounds.

Gale Falchion:

This character mainly acts as a bodyguard for other allied characters.

What does she bring to your army?

Allows a Frostfire Herald to move in co-ordination with her (and vice versa, she can move when the Wizard moves).

Can interpose as a target for any attack declared against a nearby allied character.
