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SSSS.Dynazenon POP UP PARADE Yume Minami (re-run)


Sale price $52.46 Regular price $74.95

We have 1 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

"Something is wrong with me."

POP UP PARADE is a series of figures that are easy to collect with affordable prices and speedy releases! Each figure typically stands around 17-18cm in height and the series features a vast selection of characters from popular anime and game series, with many more to be added soon! From the anime series "SSSS.DYNAZENON" comes a rerelease of the POP UP PARADE figure of Yume Minami! Yume's outfit featuring a sweater layered over her school uniform and her disentanglement puzzle have been faithfully recreated in figure form.

Painted plastic non-scale complete product with stand included. Approximately 160mm in height.
