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Perry Miniatures - Plastic Afrikakorps, German Infantry 1941-43


Sale price $54.00 Regular price $67.50

We have 4 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
There are 38 in a box and are 28mm hard plastic multipose figures. They have a choice of headwear, steel helmet, cork tropical helmet or field cap and a variety of weapons including MG 34’s, Pz.B.39 anti-tank rifles, 50mm mortars, MP 40’s plus, of course, Kar 98’s. The box includes 20mm circular bases, 4x 40mm square bases and organisation information.

The figures pictured are first shots with Renedra working on a couple of minor points before final production. As usual we couldn’t help putting a few together immediately! We think Renedra have pulled out all the stops again on this box, the level of detail they managed to capture is exceptional...." Michael Perry

38 Hard Plastic multipose figures complete with additional 20 mm circular bases and 40 mm square bases for weapons teams plus organisational information. 3 types of head gear are provided (steeel helmets, tropical cork helmets and field caps) as well as varied arm positions and choice of weapons( MG 34's, anti-tank rifles, 50 mm motars, MP 40's, Kar 98's, etc). There are enough figures in the box for a platoon or Zug.
