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Magic Innistrad Remastered Collector Booster Display

Regular price $599.00

We have 0 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Return to the plane of glorious gothic horror and dig up fan-favorite reprints from every Innistrad set ever made with Innistrad Remastered. Cackle with delight at Showcase treatments from Innistrad’s past and behold all-new borderless art that’s hauntingly boo-tiful. Plus, every booster arrives nostalgia-packed with a Retro frame card!

Uncover Innistrad’s most devilish threats and blessed relics. Collector Boosters are possessed with rare and/or mythic rare cards guaranteed, plus traditional foils and special treatments you won’t find anywhere else—like a Serialized Edgar Markov* card, the first vampire of Innistrad. A full Collector Booster display contains angelic rares and demonic scares—with plenty of nostalgia to spare.

*Serialized Edgar Markov cards are localized in English only and are available in Innistrad Remastered Collector Boosters of any language. Non-serialized Edgar Markov cards found in Innistrad Remastered are mechanically identical to their serialized variants. 1 serialized Edgar Markov card can be found in <1% of boosters.

  • 12 Innistrad Remastered Collector Boosters
  • 15 Magic: The Gathering cards per booster
  • Each Collector Booster may contain these cards: INR 1–491
  • Each Collector Booster includes 10-11 traditional foil cards
  • 4 cards of rarity Rare or higher
  • 3–6 Uncommon cards
  • 4–7 Common cards
  • 1 Land cards
  • Headliner card in <1% of boosters.
