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Ammo by MIG Figures Paints White 17ml


Sale price $5.39 Regular price $5.99

We have 3 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

This paint is acrylic and formulated for maximum performance both with brush and airbrush. Water soluble, odorless, and non-toxic. Shake well before each use. Each jar includes a stainless-steel agitator to facilitate mixture. We recommend A.MIG-2000 Acrylic Thinner for correct thinning. Dries completely in 24 hours.


You can also use it in combination with the AMMOF500 "RETARDER" to blend the colours together more easily and without applying pressure. This also helps with feathering the colours, avoiding tide marks with acrylic washes, and achieving softer colour and tonal gradations.
