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KROMLECH Orc Boss on Blitzbike 3


Sale price $59.84 Regular price $62.99

We have 2 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

The roar of running engines combined with the sound of various guns firing can be deafening, but it is like the sweetest music for orcs ears. This bike is as deadly as it is fast - there are not many things that can stop its charge!

This set contains one multi part high quality resin model of Orc Boss on Blitzbike. Originally a member of the infamous Dreadsmasha Blitzbike Boss Squad it may also be used as a leader of ordinary Orc bikers.

Set contents: Orc Boss on a huge bike armed with death rolla and sporting a destructive autocannon on it's side, two melee weapon options - deadly Crusher and massive energy mallet - and a sidecar with the cheering goblin assistant. The model can be assembled with or without the sidecar.

Includes one 105x70 mm plastic base. Designed to fit 28mm heroic scale wargames.

Our products are intended for experienced modellers and may require trimming, bending and fitting.
All parts are cast from highest quality resin. Supplied unpainted. May require assembly.
We recommend washing all parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesive.
