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KROMLECH Chaos Pedestal (1)


Sale price $26.59 Regular price $37.99

We have 7 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

This set contains one high quality resin miniature of Chaos Pedestal.
Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale. 

Approximate measurements:

Width: 4.4 cm
Depth: 4.4 cm
Height: 7.6 cm

Width (top): 3.4 cm
Depth (top): 3.4 cm

Master model sculpted by Robert Kurek.

The pedestal is fully compatible with Hive City Statues.

In the old times, heroes of war were commemorated by commemorative plaques, monuments or with places named after them. 

Although thousands of years has passed, this tradition still persits - same as wars that give birth to those heroes of legend.

Our products are intended for experienced modellers and may require trimming, bending and fitting.
All parts are cast from highest quality resin. Supplied unpainted. May require assembly.
We recommend washing all parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent)
