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Kings of War: Ratkin Ambush Starter Set


Sale price $55.96 Regular price $69.95

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This set contains all the miniatures, rules, and instructions to start building an Ambush force for Kings of War and learn the rules. It's a perfect beginning to your Kings of War journey!
Vicious and cruel, the stinking hordes of the Ratkin lash out at vulnerable and unsuspecting settlements. These once-slaves take to the field with barbed weapons and mutated monstrosities, eager to enact vengeance on the world that rejected them.
Plastic components.
? 1 Warriors Regiment
? 1 Spear Warriors Regiment
? 1 Night Terror
1 Ambush Starter Book
1 Instruction Manual
2 MDF Infantry Bases (100 x 80mm)
1 MDF Monster Base (50 x 50mm)
Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.
