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Legions Imperialis: Shadowswords/Stormblades


Sale price $67.94 Regular price $86.00

We have 5 available to order.
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This multipart plastic kit builds two epic scale Solar Auxilia super-heavy tanks, each of which can be assembled in the Shadowsword, Stormblade, or Stormsword configurations. Each of these massive vehicles bristles with firepower, from the Titan-slaying volcano cannon, the fortress-shattering siege cannon, or the devastating short-ranged firepower of the plasma blastgun. Each variant also sports hull-mounted twin heavy bolters, and a pair of sponsons with twin heavy bolters and lascannon turrets. You'll find a variety of options for the cupola atop each hull, which can be assembled with a closed hatch, or a selection of gunners, spotters, or commanders.

The set includes:

- 2x Solar Auxilia super-heavy tanks, each with the following weapon options:
– 1x turret-mounted plasma blastgun
– 1x turret-mounted siege cannon
– 1x turret-mounted volcano cannon
- 1x Legions Imperialis Solar Auxilia Vehicle Transfer Sheet, containing 288 waterslide transfers

This kit contains 88 plastic components, and comes with 1x transfer sheet. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

Rules for using Shadowswords, Stormblades, and Stormswords in your games of Legions Imperialis can be found in Legions Imperialis: The Devastation of Tallarn, available separately.
