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Action Base Black

Bandai's Action Base is designed to hold kits from their SD Gundam, 1/144 scale models, HGUC, HG Gundam Seed, 1/100 scale models, MG, and Real Robot Revolution series. No other display bases from other companies come close what this amazing display base allows you to do!

Action Base 1 is a plastic injection snap-fit assembly kit that requires very little work to assemble. No cement or paint required! The octagon base and the square part that can be connected to any one of its sides come with cool mechanical detailing and panel lines, plus a total of 10 holes for placing the support pole for the main stand to adjust the main stand's height. The support pole has an ingenious locking mechanism that allows it to extend or retract and is strong enough to hold the main stand in place. The main stand itself can also be extended upwards to pose your kit in a much higher position.

The set comes with three different sizes (8mm, 9mm, and 11mm) of U-shaped holders, peg-type holders, and screw-on type holders (two screws and a nut are included) for attaching the main stand to the crotch of the kit. When using the U-shaped or screw-on holders, double-sided tape (small quantity included) should be applied in between the crotch of the kit and the holders to hold it in place. A name plate is included that can be attached to any one of the holes on the base. (The package notes that there may be cases of a kit not able to fit.)

Each Action Base 1 can be attached to up to six other Action Base 1s for you to create an amazing display filled with Gundam kits or other robot kits striking cool action poses!
