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Autumn Mixed Leaf Cover Set


Sale price $31.34 Regular price $32.99

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The Autumn Mixed Leaf Cover Set is a very specially cut and sorted coloured flock which each single leaf have a real, leaf-like shape and colour.

They can be used for a multitude of different effects, placed directly on to a layout to create realistic foliage or the use of a little material can produce amazing effects in the case of the creation of areas, e.g. As small shrubs or plants to define pathways or the edges of a forest or for adding foliage to shrubs and trees etc.

The Autumn Mixed Leaf Cover Set can also be applied as foliage to trees and basic shrubs to replicate leaves and foliage, for even more effects please see our range of dedicated tree foliage.

Each Pack Contains A Bag Of: 14 g of yellow, red, redbrown, orange-brown Flock
