Sonancers practice magic through the manipulation of sound and vibration. They can capture and hold noise, enhance it, redirect it, and even destroy it. The one thing they can’t do magically is create noise. For that reason, they always carry numerous means of creating sound, principally musical instruments, from simple clackers to the notoriously difficult nine-stringed cerute. Sonancers are often craftsmen as well as magicians, and will devote themselves to the enhancement of existing designs or the creation of one-of-a-kind marvels. They tend to dress practically and, to the untrained eye, it is not always immediately obvious that they are wizards. While no more martially inclined than the next wizard, Sonancers typically favour light, one-handed weapons, which leave them a hand free to make noise.
Two 28mm sized Pewter miniatures, supplied unpainted.
Two 28mm sized Pewter miniatures, supplied unpainted.