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Sale price $24.00 Regular price $30.00

We have 2 available to order.
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Despite looking like something that crawled up out of the Breeding Pits, Foulhorns are naturally occurring, if somewhat rare, creatures that live in the mountains to the north of Frostgrave. Generally, these creatures are solitary hunters that will spend hours, and occasionally even days, hunting their prey.
They are fast, tough, and vicious; with their four arms –two of which end in heavy, sword-like, appendages – they are extremely dangerous in close combat. These creatures possess a rudimentary intelligence and are capable of simple communication, which has allowed them, on occasion, to ally with barbarian tribes. For most of the rest of the world, these creatures are generally better off avoided.

28mm sized metal miniature, supplied unpainted. Comes in four parts that need gluing together.
