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ENHANCE Tabletop Collector's Edition Dice Case Black - Pre-Order


Sale price $58.49 Regular price $64.99

We have 7 available to order.
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Only 7 items left for pre-order
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ENHANCE Tabletop Collector's Edition Dice Case. Upgraded with the power of Dragon Scales, along with a collectible metal charm keychain and holographic sticker to mark the exclusivity of your Collector's Edition Dice Case. Beautifully designed with stylish metal accents, the ENHANCE Dice Case is the perfect addition to your collection of RPG accessories. The dice case is two products in one, with one half safely storing 150 dice and the other functioning as a tray to be passed around the table or held onto for personal use. Our reinforced case protects your dice from wear and tear, while the soft lined interior keeps all your dice free from unsightly scratches. External dimensions: 7.75 x 7.75 x 3 inches Internal dimensions: 6.75 x 6.75 x 1.25 inches
