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Early Imperial Romans: Marines Regiment


Sale price $78.29 Regular price $86.99

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The Romans fielded all manner of specialist troops over their extensive empire, many who’s roles are still to be seen today in existing armies.

Here we present the Marines, who fought all over the known world as detachments on naval ships, accompanied merchant ships on occasion and also took part in amphibious operations.

They are not much written about, and our models are based on best guess and evidence that we have available to us. We have given them non ferrous helmets as the last thing you need is more iron to clean of rust! Chain mail rather than Lorica we thought more appropriate to the flexibility of their tasks, and a more manageable shield, with appropriate naval markings of course. Spear and javelin rather than heavy pilum and a good warm cloak complete our study of these tough fellows.

NOTE: Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted. Contains 16 Roman Marines.
