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Disney Lorcana S5 Shimmering Skies Illumineer's Trove


Sale price $99.00 Regular price $99.99

We have 4 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Bringing together Disney’s century of storytelling experience and Ravensburger’s 140 years of games excellence, Disney Lorcana is the world’s most welcoming trading card game (TCG) and the ultimate Disney collectible.

Here, players become “Illumineers” and wield magical inks to summon a team of Disney characters known as glimmers, who appear in both familiar and fantastical ways. Players explore the realm of Lorcana alongside their teams of glimmers as they race to be the first to collect 20 “lore.” In each game, players will play characters, items, locations, and actions – including songs – from their hands and choose whether to have their characters “quest” for lore or challenge opponents to slow them down.

In Shimmering Skies, the realm of Lorcana holds a great festival to celebrate its recent victory over Ursula, achieved in the previous set, Ursula's Return.

While most of Lorcana participates in the vibrant, fun-filled activities, a new mystery begins as our Illumineers search for a way to repair the worsening damage the Ursula glimmer caused to the Great Illuminary. 

The ultimate treasure for both collectors and players, the Illumineer's Trove contains a full-art storage box with six ink-themed card dividers to keep your Disney Lorcana TCG cards safe and organised by ink. 

A bevy of beloved Disney stories and the arrival of highly anticipated characters, including the crew from Disney's Wreck-It Ralph. Also, head into the unknown with even more from Disney's Frozen 2, including the elemental spirits. 
Welcoming gameplay for casual players, with strategic depth for more competitive play.
All Shimmering Skies cards can be played alongside cards from any previous Disney Lorcana TCG releases. They can also be used to update or customise existing Disney Lorcana TCG decks. You do not need previously released cards to play cards from this set. 
1 Storage Box
6 Card Dividers
8 Booster Packs that contain 12 additional cards each pack 
6 Damage-counter dice
1 Lore counter
