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Black Seas - Royal Navy 1st Rate


Sale price $76.49 Regular price $84.99

We have 1 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

1st Rate ships of the line were extremely large and powerful and were a true display of a Navy's power. They were, however, expensive to operate, so their service use was limited in times of peace. In the carronade era, a 1st Rate ship-of-the-line was defined as mounting no less than 100 guns.
A Royal Navy 1st rate is a particularly dangerous foe in Black Seas, especially true when using the National Special Rules. In the game, 1st rates have the best access to customisation and upgrade options. Combine certain upgrades (we're fans of Master Gunner) with the British 'Drilled' special rule and your 1st rate will truly be an unstoppable force - but don't go into battle unsupported!

The highly detailed kit comes with optional figureheads (see picture) enabling your 1st Rate to truly stand out. It also comes with a ship card, flag sheet, bobbin for rigging, ratline sheet and wake markers.

Contains 1 resin & Metal ship. Miniatures supplied unpainted.
