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Maladum - Oblivion's Maw Expansion


Sale price $71.99 Regular price $89.99

We have 1 available to order.
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Step into the Shadows with Maladum Oblivion’s Maw Expansion

Prepare for a realm-shaking encounter in the Maladum Oblivion’s Maw Expansion.

Confront the Corrupter, an otherworldly terror that emerges tentacle by tentacle, only to reveal its dreadful maw. Battle Cursed Chests, Portals, and eerie Vestiges that seep into your world, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Brace for chaos with the new Tentacle and Maw dice, each roll plunging you deeper into uncertainty.

Over six thrilling quests, wrestle control of ancient relics and navigate through the living, breathing terrain of the Malagaunt’s sanctum.

Will you master the chaos or be consumed by it?

The fate of your realm hangs in the balance. Dare to stare into the maw?
