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Battle Systems - Fantasy Wargames - Add-Ons - Lakes & Bogs


Sale price $11.99 Regular price $14.99

We have 0 available to order.
Note: Afterpay not Valid with Discount Coupons, Affiliate Codes, Spot Sales and Certain Products. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

This pack upgrades your gaming table with a large lake and two smaller ponds, or you can flip them over to create swamps to slow down your troops. The set includes pieces to connect the lake to a river, as well as useful scatter terrain to add immersion to your board. The pieces are compatible with the rest of the Battle Systems Fantasy range.

The terrain is supplied flat-packed on high-quality, high-density card, printed in full colour on both sides, so no painting required! The terrain requires assembly, and some smaller parts will require glue. Please see for more details and full instructions.



  • 1 Lake/Large Bog
  • 2 Ponds/Small Bogs
  • 4 Assorted Scatter Components and Accessories
