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Astra Militarum: Crusaders


Sale price $19.00 Regular price $20.00

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NOTE: This product only attracts a 5% Discount

Equipped with a power sword and a storm shield that bears emblems of the Inquisition, each of these Crusaders is a stalwart warrior. They are protected by flak armour and garbed in hooded, flowing cloaks, each bearing the intricate details of the Ecclesiarchy. The place of the Crusader is in the heat of battle, surrounded by their foes.

This is a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in two components and with a sprue of four 25mm round bases, with which to make two Crusaders.

This kit is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints.

Supplied in GW plain packaging
