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The 30MM (30 Minutes Missions) Spinatio is now available in a Maxion Army specification!

This all-in-one item combines armor and weapon parts in addition to the main figure; while taking full advantage of the range of mobility, there's no pinching during assembly. Various weapons such as assault rifles, combat knives, and shields are included, and a common 3mm joint structure allows you to combine existing 30MM items with this kit.


- 1/144 Scale

- Made of plastic

- Part of the 30 Minutes Missions series

- Customizable model kit

- Mix and match between all 30MM model kits and weapons

- Instructions may or may not include English translation

Pieces to build:

- EXM-A9A Spinatio (Army Type)

- Rifle

- Shield

- Combat knife

- Armor

- Hand parts weapon handle (left and right)

- Flat hand parts (left and right),

- Rifle hand part (right)

- Joint parts
